Our ancestors' energies read us, clean us and heal us, as their Energies are present in our body in the form of DNA.
Many of us has numerous problems in life, we try hard to solve them using all kinds of methods, spending our time, money and energy, but it remains the same because we are unaware of the fact that a problem will be solved only if it is removed completely and healed from its root. Many factors influence our current life, to calculate the exact root cause of the problem Reading is a first and the most important step as it helps in acknowledging and understanding the source.
Cleansing (Shuddhikaran) is a crucial step before the actual healing. Its like preparing the ground before planting seeds. Cleansing clears all the existing spiritual blockages and negativity that has been piled up for years and creates space for healing to occur. Cleansing releases and omits all the negative barriers that would interupt during healing.
The Powerful Shamanic Healing resolves and promotes healing for all physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances. It treats all kinds of diseases, traumas, healing wounds both physical & emotional, inherited family patterns, relationship issues and negative bloackages.