Shamanism is an ancient spiritual-religious healing practice. Shamanism is regarded as the earliest religion of mankind, even now many consider Shamanism as a way of life as it connects with Nature and all its creations. ShaGuru's Shamanism is entrancing practice where we learn to connect and communicate with the diverse energies of the universe. Here we learn to create harmony and connect with all the living, non living and spiritual entities.
The Shaman's Drum is a vehicle for him, he uses this drum to travel to the world of spirits.
Shamanic Feathers used for smudging. Smudging is a ritual to cleanse or clear a person, a place or an object of negative energies, spirits or influence.
The Shaman Gong when played, the bad spirits hear and go away, leaving the Shaman uninterrupted.
The Long Wooden Bench on which the shaman sits on represents a horse which helps him or her to ride into the other world.
The Finger Bells represent power, and is used to begin the trance state.
The Sword of a Shaman is used a a defense tool for protection from bad spirits.
A Shaman rattle is not only a healing tool but one of the strongest spiritual tools with which a shaman can call down all the spirits and enter in their dimensions.
The Sacred Pipe is admired as a holy object, and the sacrament of smoking was considered as a major means of communication between humans and spiritual beings.
Split Horns are a set of horns needed to invite a spirit being.
Specialists who practice Shamanism are known as Shamans. Shamans are considered as healers of the community, they channel their energies for healings and spiritual activities. Shamans establish and maintain special relations with particular spirits of the spirit world. They communicate with spirits in trance state. Shamans are seen as a mediator between the human world and spirit world.
In ShaGuru's Shamanism a Shaman enters the altered states of consciousness to connect and communicate with the spirits. In most Shamanic practices, the shaman will play drums, perform dance or sing to attain the trance state of bliss where he enters into a communion with the spirit world. The Shaman then communicates with the 'Master Spirits' seeking guidance to heal an individual's physical/mental health or may sometimes invite the spirits to perform healing acts.
Shamanism is associated with indigenous and tribal communities of Northern Europe and Northern Asia. Presently, ShaGuru (an expert Shaman) is serving internationally, ShaGuru is also training many who are called spiritually to be Shamans.
ShaGuru's Shamanism is divided into three sections Shaman Sadhana, Shamanic Healing and Shaman Siddhi. In Shaman Sadhana a person is taught to connect with Nature's elements and his ancestors, all types of healing rituals fall under Shamanic Healing. Shaman Siddhi is taught to selected individuals, especially those who possess a Shaman's quality.
A Shaman is a healer who uses special transcendental energies for curing the sick, healing the community, divination, controlling events and helping the spirits. A shaman is considered as a mediator between the human world and spirit world.
Shamanism is said to have originated from the Tungus tribe of Siberia, although some consider Shamanism to be a religion, ShaGuru agrees that Shamanism has no ties with any religion, but there is a high possibility of many religions being developed from Shamanic culture.
ShaGuru's Shamanism is a spiritual practice which is completely drug-free. We do not teach or conduct ayahuasca ceremonies. Like many, we instead teach and practice shifting into an altered state of consciousness through voice commands, guided meditations and sounds of drumming and rattling in order to access the spiritual realms in a safer way. We also do not teach, practice or promote any kind of superstitions. ShaGuru's Shamanism is totally based on researched science, structure of energies and ancient spiritual practices.